[2011/02/01 14:37 ]
最近 不对 这个表述好像很不客观 自打我从美国回来以后(准确时间是北京时间2010年12月3日我从美国回来以后)
上帝啊 掐指一算 已经是两个月的光景了 我这儿的一亩二分地 荒凉的不是个事儿
已经有很多热心博友给我善意提醒了 “你的最后一篇还是在韩国呢!”“请问你还在海外漂泊呢啊?”“博主你啥时有空写两句呢?”
首先 请先允许我申辩两句 真的不是我偷懒 真的不是我好闲 最近这两个月的日子 过得那真是叫充实啊
充实的我连最钟爱的吾贝儿群都没空说话了 充实的我已经必须把每天的工作列在一张清单上标注1——15了
一来是公司成立十周年 所有的会务、印刷、演出、排练、联络、场地、经费、演员、台本、画册、绶带、奖杯、颁奖词。。。。。。
我就随便这么列举一二 现在想想都觉得头皮发麻的感觉 想想当时也就我和丁丁妈俩人忙活这些个事儿
上帝啊 掐指一算 已经是两个月的光景了 我这儿的一亩二分地 荒凉的不是个事儿
已经有很多热心博友给我善意提醒了 “你的最后一篇还是在韩国呢!”“请问你还在海外漂泊呢啊?”“博主你啥时有空写两句呢?”
首先 请先允许我申辩两句 真的不是我偷懒 真的不是我好闲 最近这两个月的日子 过得那真是叫充实啊
充实的我连最钟爱的吾贝儿群都没空说话了 充实的我已经必须把每天的工作列在一张清单上标注1——15了
一来是公司成立十周年 所有的会务、印刷、演出、排练、联络、场地、经费、演员、台本、画册、绶带、奖杯、颁奖词。。。。。。
我就随便这么列举一二 现在想想都觉得头皮发麻的感觉 想想当时也就我和丁丁妈俩人忙活这些个事儿
I am now at Korea
[2010/11/28 18:26 ]
(Sorry the computer here doesn't have Chinese Input)
Korean airport/Local time:pm 7:11
We got up early this morning. Two hours' flight from Shanghai. We arrived at Korean airport at pm 2:00. We need to transfer.
Waiting......Long waiting.......Flight to Torento,Canada will be 6 hours later.
First we Guandan! This is a great game to kill time.
Then we go window-shopping in the duty-free shop. I bought a Les Sports bag for my iPhone at $14.
Yueyue would go to Langlang's piano concert at pm 7:30. Wishing her would have a happy time there.
It will take about 14hrs from Korea to Canada. My God! My back will be broken.
My dear sisters, I have checked the price here, and would check it again in US,and will try my best to bring back for you!
Korean airport/Local time:pm 7:11
We got up early this morning. Two hours' flight from Shanghai. We arrived at Korean airport at pm 2:00. We need to transfer.
Waiting......Long waiting.......Flight to Torento,Canada will be 6 hours later.
First we Guandan! This is a great game to kill time.
Then we go window-shopping in the duty-free shop. I bought a Les Sports bag for my iPhone at $14.
Yueyue would go to Langlang's piano concert at pm 7:30. Wishing her would have a happy time there.
It will take about 14hrs from Korea to Canada. My God! My back will be broken.
My dear sisters, I have checked the price here, and would check it again in US,and will try my best to bring back for you!